It’s Forbin’ Time

Digital Art Commissions


$5 - $15

Uncolored, somewhat refined sketch of your character(s)!

Sketch can be in any color.


$8 - $20

Polished lineart of your character(s)! Uncolored.

Each lineart commission includes a simple abstract background (optional).


$10 - $30

Fully lineless, colorful art of your character(s)! Includes simple cell shading and a simple abstract background (optional).


$10 - $25

Polished, full-color art of your character(s) with clean lines. Includes a simple abstract background.


$30 - $100

Price varies based on the concept!
Full-color, lineless rendered art of your character(s)! Includes a detailed background.

Custom Designs

$15 - $50

Price varies by complexity.

Custom designs by yours truly! Less expensive if I use a base, but I also offer original lines!

Who is Forb?

That’s for me to know and you to wonder about.
Jk jk I can tell you a little about myself

I’m a 22 year-old freelance artist, and I go by any and all pronouns!

I’m from the cold mountains and endless sky of Montana, where I am no doubt freezing my butt off right now.

I attended two years of Graphic Design school before deciding I wanted to be a jeweler instead. I disappeared and went to a trade school for a little bit to hone the trade, but I never stopped drawing.

Formerly known as ForbiddenDreaming (a mouthful, I know), I joined a few art websites at the ripe age of 14 and never looked back. I’ve been making art as long as I can remember and I’m constantly trying to find new ways to make stuff.

I love working on weird, unusual projects. If you aren’t sure if it’s worth asking me about, do it anyway! I love unexpected ideas.

Don’t take me too seriously I promise I’m just a dude doing their best.

Much love <3


I’m not super active on social media. Follow me anyway?



Contact Forb

Interested in working on something with me? Have a weird idea that doesn’t fit on my commission sheet? Shoot me a message!